History of Doughboy Military Collectables
Doughboy Military was established in 2003 as Veteran Owned Military collectibles shop where Collectors could enjoy and expand their collections. I myself am a historian and collector of World War I memorabilia. The love we find in this hobby can reach from a single Soldier that has served in our family, to an entire country’s soldiers and the gear and uniforms they wore. Like all hobbies, they can become addicting in the sense of the next new find and filling that “spot” you have left empty for that certain item for years. As a collector for many decades, I wanted to find enjoyment in not just my collection, but to further current collectors and others to start collecting. This has brought GREAT happiness and fond memories of many items I have found and bought in adventures across the country.
A lot of friends and people ask me how a collector such as I can be a dealer at the same time? Well, that is a simple answer. After 2018 I sold most of my personal World War I collection and concentrated on the business. Let me tell you what I say to the question every time I get asked it inside my store here in Springfield Missouri. With hands up in the air, and looking around my shop I say, “This is my collection now. Larger than ever, and it changes every day”. It has been so much fun to own an item of historical significance and then let it walk out when it finds that perfect new home with a collector. It is you folks I have known for years that make this store what it is today. You also make me what I am as well HAPPY and EXCITED to find you the latest treasure. Thank you for over 20 years of the pleasure of serving you, and listening to some of the best stories of your finds as well.